After the interview, I proceeded into making my report, and I can say that it was easy to write the report since I had the primary data, I needed to make it. The only problem was finding the secondary data to support my primary data. The outcome of the report went well as I did not fail on doing it and passed it on time.

Before making the report, I was happy that I could finally start writing it, after all the challenges that I faced when finding the interviewee. During the report writing, I was at ease because I just needed to support my primary data with secondary data. It was still challenging but it was easier. It went well because I was not stressed and I felt good doing it. After writing the report I felt at peace, as I finished the report already all I have to do was to submit it.

Writing the report went well I was not feeling any negative emotions and just did my task at ease. There was not anything bad about the experience as well, writing the report was easy because of the data I have gathered. The report creation went well because of my preparation, if I had not prepared properly, I might be drowning in stress while writing the report.
In conclusion, preparation is truly a key to success, it can make you solve problems quicker and more efficiently because you already have the information required (Spiers, 2017). Preparation did give me an advantage in creating my report efficiently. Preparation can be used in a lot of situations being prepared is very important, as it is doing the work in advance and making sure that you are ready for the next step (Canscribe, 2021). If the same thing were to happen to me again, I would prepare even better by making sure that every move I’ll make is definite.